Rugby boots and guitars – these are Ben Deguara’s secret weapons for integrating into a new life overseas. And he should know – he has done it twice already at opposite ends of the world.
Ben is our series first “double boomeranger”. His first expat journey was to London for four years, starting an overseas career in financial services on the day of the global financial crisis. Despite a less than auspicious start, he enjoyed a four year career in the UK capital. He eventually to Sydney and just when he was getting back into the groove of Sydney life two years later, he was offered an opportunity to move to Hong Kong.
Now he’s back – but doesn’t rule out a third overseas adventure in the future.
Ben approached his second expat journey very differently to his first. The experience of coming home from London and facing not only friends and family who couldn’t relate to his overseas journey but the indifference shown by recruiters to his international experience meant he was a lot more prepared the second time around.
In Hong Kong, he made sure he kept his connections in Australia close and started preparing for his return nearly a year before he finally made the leap.
As for rugby boots and guitars – Ben used his hobbies as ways to meet lifelong friends that he has today. So, if he does go again, I am sure these are the first things that get packed.